Stairs Academy provides many workshops for children, teens and adults. Contact us if you’d like more info or are interested in adding one of these workshops to your seminar, convention, professional development day, corporate event, school or church program.
Teens & Adults:
Rubik’s Cube: History of the Rubik’s Cube, how to solve the 3x3x3 and 2x2x2 cubes. (2 hours)
Body Percussion: Build community while creating percussive sounds and rhythms using your body and your imagination. Taught by Keith “Wildchild” Middleton (STOMP OUT LOUD, PULSE, Let’s Make Music w/Elmo, etc) (2 hours)
Remix – Re-Style: For adults who already know how to sew, ;learn to re-style your clothing, update jackets, create skirts from pants, turn a tee shirt into a fancy women’s top, create custom denim and fur slippers and more.
Solecial Studies:
Jazz Impact:

For Kids:
Hour of Code: Our certified instructor facilitates’s award winning program, introducing Computer Science principles and making coding concepts fun for beginners. Length: (2 hours)
Book-making: Learn how to make accordion and traditional books, using fabric and paper. Students leave with their own custom made, completed book that they can then use for writing, sketching, diaries, scrap-booking, photo-albums & more! (2 hours)
Rubik’s Cube: History of the Rubik’s Cube, how to solve the 3x3x3 and 2x2x2 cubes. Length: (2 hours)
Fun With Fabric: Create masks, tote bags, books, slippers, hats, mixed media artwork and more, using tee shirts, socks, scrap fabrics, felt, other resources and materials. (2 hours) (read more) …
Students will also learn to re-style, re-use, recycle and reduce using various materials they already have at their disposal, creating unique designs and works of art, while helping the environment.
Body Percussion: Build community while creating percussive sounds and rhythms using your body and your imagination. Taught by Keith “Wildchild” Middleton (STOMP OUT LOUD, PULSE, Let’s Make Music w/Elmo, etc)